Friday, November 18, 2011

My Life, My Rules!

A look at everything between life and death, day and night, you and me!

Life is all colours. colours of day, of fun, of work, of emotions, of relations, of songs, of lyrics, of paintings. Everthing has a different colour which is not same everyday. However every colour for that particular moment is fixed somehow by someone. Everything happens for a reason and it's not our business to get to the bottom of that reason. Leave reason, make your own move.

Life is loving. No matter what happend in past and what's gonna happen in future, life still loves you. Even if you think no one loves you, life is still there which loves you, warms you and invites you to live. The person you were is safely frozen in the abyss of time. It's up to you to be the person you want to be. Lock your past and lose the painful key for tomorrow is another day. And tomorrow will be better, tomorrow you will be better.

Life is random. When time freezes and you have no hope left, you stare at that blank wall and cry, making the pillow uncomfortably wet. You are shaken back into existence of money and materialism in spite of all your precious emotional agitation realizing, "Ohh, I hate sleeping on a soggy pillow" !  :)
Trivia reminds you to take it easy, to go with the flow and keep the faith. Randomness is what makes life interesting and vibrant.

And, it's not my life and my rules, it's my life that rules :)
                                       - Inspired by one of the posts by a friend.


  1. Seems like the painting is done and you started painting the words now...not bad !

  2. :) yeah, channelizing my thoughts these days...

  3. life still loves you.
    Thanks for sharing this.
