Thursday, July 26, 2012

The greatest fear of my life!

Someone asked me today what my greatest fear is and I realized there are so many things which I am scared of.

Since childhood, I have a fear of fire. When I was in 7th grade, I happened to see one of my friend caught on fire at her home. Though she survived, burning changed her body, face and in turn her life. She is suffering through the trauma and consequences even after 12 yrs! I always pray to god, please give me any kind of death but not a death by burning. However I cannot say, fire is my greatest fear.

I am not afraid of height or speed or water, I can drive at any speed and do bungee jumping from any height or throw myself in water even though I dont know swimming. So what else I am scared of? ghosts? Yes, sometimes. specially when I see a horror movie and Ajay keeps on reminding me the movie or sings the title tune of zee horror show! but again its not my greatest fear.

Death? No i am not afraid of death but yes I am afraid of death of my closed ones as I would never want to loose them. Since it's the thing no one can change, it doesn't come into "greatest" bracket.

Being alone? No, I am not scared of being alone. I would definitely find something to do, either reading or painting or anything. Being at unknown location? No, even if someone leaves me at any african jungle or remote country on earth (except Pakistan and Afganistan), I would be more than happy to stay there.

I am scared of street dogs but I guess everyone is scared of them. so not a big deal. Being unemployed? that would definitely hurt and frustrate me but again not a big deal.

The real horror would come if I would sit idle and have nothing to do. Yes, thats my greatest fear. I simply cant do that! Though I am quite lazy by nature, the concept of doing nothing can haunt me. 
So finally I got my greatest fear! What's your?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mind matters

Human mind is one of most complex things in the world. They say, our mind can process seven items at once- items such as sounds, odors, images, or emotions like joy or anger.
we need only 1/18 of a second to process each item. It means we can process 126 pieces of information every second. That's 7,560 per minute, half a million per hour!
Interesting! Isn't it?
Now what a mind can "DO" can be devided into Thought, Thinking, Memory, Imagination and Consciousness. But do we realize these things in our daily life? No, at least I don't. So I just decided to concentrate on whatever is going on my mind for one minute. Initially, I found it funny but by the end of minute it was a hell lot of things. Or my mind might be very diverse :P

1. It stopped raining, that's not good :(
2. Why I am working here?
3. Hmm, I need to prepare status report
4. Oh god, when my mom will listen to me
5. Tumhi din chade, tumhi din dhale, tumhi ho bandhu, sakha tumhi
6. Did I call Ani today? Let it be why should only I keep on calling him everyday...
7. Party Time, no one seems working today except my teammembers, 3 hours to go for party.
8. I hope, food would be good at LeRoyale
9. Where did I heard Tumhi ho bandhu, sakha tumhi? is it some sanskrit shlok or old hindi movie song?
10. that 1920 wala house was so pretty but I didnt like her dress.
11. Why is Richa talking too loud
12. Ok, for that issue, field validation was right, did I check field formula? Yes, I did. I should check design synopsis
13. Madhuri, you have to loose weight!
14. It's 3:30, Ajay must be in a meeting!
15. This guy should change his ringtone or put the cell on silent. it's so irritating! How can one keep any gazzle as ringtone?
16. I forgot to update my cv, update it, update it
17. tu jeet meri, jag haar meri, main hoon hi nahi is duniya ki
18. 1200 rows and it's still counting, My life is EXCEl, pathetic!
19. So many emails this company sends everyday, dont they have any other work?
20. I am not prepared for party... let it be, whose gonna to see, I'll eat and enjoy music.
21. Richa must have reached Bangalore by now, so many things I want to tell her
22. ohh my Bike's breaks are not working! it's good no one was coming fast today while it slipped on the road
23. My life is a mess, why cant even a single thing go good?
24. ok, synopsis is showing nothing! means no error it should give, how is it possible?
25. hehe she is soooo excited about the party, when did I attend my first corporate party? don't remember :(
26. I should call Ani, after all he is younger than me
27. Is mom right? am I over-reacting?
28. Yes Yes Yes, got the link, why it didn't hit my mind before?
29. My touchscreen is now a beat screen hehehe
30. Tumhi din chade, tumhi din dhale, tumhi ho bandhu, sakha tumhi