There was an article in yesterday's Times with a header : Hum, Tum aur ghost. 4 students from Mumbai are doing a project in which they are tracking ghosts in various areas in Mumbai. Surprisingly they have found around 40 such stories in urban and crowded areas of the city. That reminded me of a discovery channel serial, Americas most haunted places. I used to watch it additively without missing even a single episode. Those painful stories of people and their deaths and how they have now became spirits and keep on roaming here and there and terrifying people around, used to fascinate me a lot! Later on I came to know that National Geographic channel also started a new series based on the same show in which they proved how we can create ghost stories and also ghost photographs. I don't know the truth behind it as who was right in this case but the Ghost thing always keeps on hunting my mind.
Since childhood we hear many ghost related stories from our parents, friends, relatives and neighbors. We make some assumptions about those and live with those in mind. I remember in my college days, we tried doing planchete to call the so called "Bhatakti Atamas" but got no results :( . However there are very few people who try to find out the realities and get answers the queries in mind. Existence of god, ghost and paranormal things is a big question for some people but also we can find many people around who can definitely say these things exist. In a developed country like America, they have largest number of ghost hunting groups, don't believe me? check the following details
Surprising right? Even on Google if you search, there are hundreds of sites dedicated to ghosts and their stories. Who knows what exists and what not, some people will keep on denying the subsistence of paranormal things and some people will keep on chasing those things to get the reality. Best of Luck for their search :)
Since childhood we hear many ghost related stories from our parents, friends, relatives and neighbors. We make some assumptions about those and live with those in mind. I remember in my college days, we tried doing planchete to call the so called "Bhatakti Atamas" but got no results :( . However there are very few people who try to find out the realities and get answers the queries in mind. Existence of god, ghost and paranormal things is a big question for some people but also we can find many people around who can definitely say these things exist. In a developed country like America, they have largest number of ghost hunting groups, don't believe me? check the following details